Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Fairy Godfather...

I get to dress in drag again! Oops. I guess I shouldn't say that with such great enthusiasm. It's really not as much a fetish at all as it is a scene from my seminary days. I was in a group of cross-dressing lipsyners and dancers known as "The King James Version." It was 1.) a spoof on the Christian Coalition's announcement that they no longer accepted the KJV as the only irrenat and holy version of scripture since it had been proven in some form that King James was bisexual in orientation, (2.) a celebration of life and the joy of inviting of all of God's people to Christ's table for all that shall be. But, boy did I look good. If I find the pics, I will be glad to post.
However, the reason for this cross-dressing event is for an even greater honor. My God child was born yesterday, and I am the single Godparent to Daniel Robert 'McStew.' Actually I think it is just now official since there is a small conglomerate of us who have simply covenanted to be the holy reminders of God's persence and accountability in each other's lives and the lives of our children. We are collectively, along with our own families, the village that has taken the task of nurturing these chidlren together. And until the offical word, I was simply the village idiot. I like being the village idiot, however, I will likely take this role much more serously.
But what do you get for Godchildren? How do you discipline them? How do you feed them and clothe them and bathe them?
...What? Oh, this just in. A word my conscience tells me that stuff is not neccesary. You just have to flash pictures along with pictures of your own chidlren and claim them before all the world. I think I can do that. But, before I go, does anyone know where I can get the boy some Colts gear. It's momentous since they won the big game while mom and dad were pining for the Bears from their hospital room. At least all are well and ready to go back home with big sis. Can't wait to see you, Danny Bob! Love, your fairy Godfather!


April said...

Love you, Joby! Thanks for being such a damn fine fairy. Oh, and godfather, too. Will you be teaching Daniel the asthetics of the uni-boob?

Hope to talk to y'all this weekend. In the meantime, we're all doing fine. Adjusting. But doing fine:)

Jimmy said...

oh my lord jesus.
i think that perhaps, at least until he is weened, we should keep the uni-boob away from little Danny Bob. i mean a God mom-dad is enough for one little guy to take without a mass confusion of breast configuration.