Monday, January 29, 2007

O Ralph, The Pipes Are Calling You

Okay, okay. I'm back, and I get the point. And thank you to April, Steve, Amy, Jimmy, and others who have reminded me why I wanted to start this adventure in the first place. SO no that I am back from my own long hiatis of a sabbath here goes...

Ralph died on Thursday. Who is Ralph? I have no damn clue even though I buried him today. And even after a two hour phone conversation wiht his 75-year-old daughter, I really have no clue. I know that he was 100 years old and an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan. I know that he was greatly admired and cherished by his family and friends, at least the 13 that were present for today's festivities. He was a humble person who sold his car to help pay for his wedding. And he never owned another auto until his chidlren were grown, married, and moved away. He walked to work each day, about a mile and a half one way, and he stopped on the way each evening to pick up the block of ice for the icebox. No, I never met the man, and I have no clue who he was. However I am fully aware by the witness of those around his casket today, that he did all that he was called to do in such a way that all the hosts of heaven gave thanks with us this morning.

The conversation with the daughter and the small worshipful moment for rememerbing made me think of how wonderful it is to know that I too can hope. I can hope that one day, even though many will never know who the hell I am, that someone might be able to tell the story of my life in a way that captures the full essence of my calling and my being upon this earth. I too hope it is my children and friends, and possibly my spouse. I too can hope that the fruits of the spirit ripen within my soul so that they might be harvested by my choices and deeds for all humanity's sake. And I can hope that those same fruits ripen abundantly so that the harvest might feed more than just myself.

Thanks Ralph, for a job well done good and faithful servant. And thank you for leaving an impression upon this world that has reminded me what it truly means to be fully and truly known.

1 comment:

April said...

Great post, friend. Welcome back. Now that you are back, I'll be checking obsessively. So write lots.